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"Thank you for your search reflected in this book. 
A pleasure to read."

Reverend Tim Costello AO



So often we wander through life, struggling to keep going, hungering for answers, when help is all around us… both in spirit and in our human world.

Joy Brisbane's book, Creating Heaven on Earth, A Contemporary Interpretation of Scripture offers new insights and truths that uplift the heart and soothe the spirit.

There is no right or wrong – there is only enlightenment and love

This book is about bringing  people a different understanding of what has been written in the writings of Jesus. Working with the writings of the four apostles – Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, in the King James version of the Bible’s New Testament, Joy Brisbane peels back some of the dogma of traditional interpretations and shines a new light on how the words of Jesus are as relevant to us today as they were when they were written.

"May the insights I have gained, by revisiting these texts with a different mindset, help you to come into a deeper understanding of self, of the realm of spirit, and to walk the path that is right for you.  No glove ever fits all hands.  Follow your own heart, your own truth.  There is no right or wrong – there is only enlightenment and love.


There have been moments throughout my life where I have experienced such bliss.  When it happens, when I feel the extreme love and support that comes from those in spirit toward me, there is nothing more profoundly magical and beautiful.  I - am – in - heaven!"




CEO The Proven Group


“I read this book hungrily as I have only done twice before, once with Eckhart Tolle’s A New Earth, and with Neale Donald Walsh’s Conversations with God.  I found myself enthralled with Joy’s book as with few others....The words of any wise person are designed to point the way to assist us to a deeper understanding and appreciation of our human journey – this book certainly assists with that."




The last census showed that nearly a majority of Australians ticked the box - No Religion. But that certainly does not mean no faith. This book speaks to many who ticked that box! And when Joy says Jesus was not a Christian, I think of one of my heroes, Archbishop Desmond Tutu, writing a book God is Not a Christian.

Thank you for your search reflected in this book.   A pleasure to read.



 "I have found the Bible difficult as it appears to have many conflicting examples about love, judgement, and ego. This interpretation of the messages is aligned with my beliefs and now I am looking at these passages with a new perspective.  This book has made me think more deeply about the messages and their true meaning, but also has prompted me to really examine how I think and pray.

"Joy offers her unique perception of spirit, truth, and the non-physical realms in a way that challenges old understandings.  


At the very least, she invites the reader to reconsider their own spiritual or religious beliefs, and to look deeper at their own belief systems."

Robyn Sedgwick

Pastoral Practitioner

"“We are all here - every single individual across this planet - to learn one simple lesson: how to live a joyful and free life from within us; to discover that the source of lasting happiness could never be found in the outer world, and to embrace our power as a unique loving and compassionate soul.”

Joy Brisbane


Knock and it shall be opened unto you – and to him that knocketh it shall be opened.

When you both ask and seek, you are in fact knocking on spirits door – both your own inner divine door to the spirit of your soul, and the door to the realm of spirit.  And both will open that door and welcome you home to your true Self, to your own divinity and to the collective wisdom, knowledge, and love within Self, and within the realm of spirit.

The choice is always ours – to knock on the door to enlightenment, or keep it firmly closed.  But if you knock – spirit will answer and open the door to a new way of being and doing.

When you ask and seek – you knock.



PO Box 24 East Melbourne Victoria 8002 Australia

+61 3 8692 7229 

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